“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Overview of the Fatwa Against TikTok
    • Concerns Raised by Religious Scholars
    • Previous Bans on TikTok in Pakistan
  2. Karachi Fatwa Against TikTok
    • Issuance of the Fatwa
    • Religious Perspective on TikTok
    • Misuse for Financial Gain
    • Violations and Inappropriate Content
    • Impact on Moral Values
  3. Lahore High Court Petition
    • Plea for TikTok Ban
    • Unwavering Duty to the State
    • Violation of Moral and Cultural Values
    • Historical Significance of Pakistan
    • Concerns about Teenagers and Explicit Content
    • Physical Dangers Associated with TikTok
  4. TikTok-Related Incidents
    • Stray Bullet Injury in Lahore
    • Aerial Firing and Social Media Videos
    • Teenager Injured While Filming TikTok Video
    • Rape Allegation Linked to TikTok Friendship
  5. Rawalpindi Rape Incident
    • Alleged Rape and Accomplices
    • Victim’s Complaint and TikTok Connection
    • Police Investigation and Arrests
  6. Nepal’s Ban on TikTok
    • Decision to Ban TikTok in Nepal
    • Reasons Behind the Ban
    • Cyber Crime Cases Related to TikTok
    • Reactions to the Ban
  7. Conclusion
    • Recap of Concerns Raised Against TikTok
    • Legal and Social Actions Taken Against TikTok
    • Global Trends in TikTok Bans
    • Future Implications and Discussions


“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

In recent developments, religious scholars in Karachi have issued a fatwa against the widely used video-sharing platform TikTok, categorically declaring its use as “haram” (prohibited) from a religious perspective. This fatwa emphasizes concerns about TikTok being exploited for financial gain through the proliferation of inappropriate content. Similar sentiments have led to petitions in the Lahore High Court, urging a ban on TikTok due to its perceived detrimental effects on society’s youth.

While TikTok has gained immense popularity among users, including children, it’s important to note that the platform has both positive and negative aspects. It’s crucial for parents and guardians to be aware of potential side effects and risks associated with their children’s use of TikTok. Here are some potential concerns related to TikTok usage in children:

  1. Inappropriate Content Exposure:
    • TikTok hosts a vast array of content, and not all of it is suitable for children. There is a risk of children being exposed to inappropriate or age-inappropriate content, including explicit language, violence, or adult themes.
  2. Privacy Concerns:
    • TikTok collects a significant amount of user data, including location information, device details, and usage patterns. Children might not fully understand the implications of sharing personal information online, leading to potential privacy issues.
  3. Cyberbullying:
    • As with any social media platform, TikTok is not immune to cyberbullying. Children may encounter negative comments, hate speech, or even harassment from other users, impacting their mental well-being.
  4. Screen Time and Addiction:
    • Excessive screen time can have negative effects on a child’s physical and mental health. Spending too much time on TikTok may lead to disrupted sleep patterns, decreased physical activity, and potential addiction to social media.
  5. Unrealistic Beauty Standards:
    • TikTok often showcases idealized beauty standards, which may influence children’s self-esteem and body image. Continuous exposure to filtered and edited content may contribute to unrealistic expectations.
  6. Distraction from Real-world Activities:
    • Excessive use of TikTok may distract children from important real-world activities such as homework, chores, or social interactions. It is essential for parents to monitor and regulate screen time to maintain a healthy balance.
  7. Copying Risky Challenges:
    • Some TikTok challenges and trends involve risky behaviors or stunts that children might attempt without considering the potential dangers. This could lead to accidents or injuries.

It’s important for parents and guardians to actively engage with their children, educate them about responsible online behavior, and set appropriate boundaries regarding TikTok usage. Utilizing parental controls, monitoring screen time, and maintaining open communication can help mitigate these potential side effects. Additionally, staying informed about the latest features and updates on TikTok is crucial to addressing new concerns that may arise.

Karachi Fatwa Against TikTok:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

Issuance of the Fatwa:

The religious scholars at Jamia Binoria Town in Karachi issued a fatwa denouncing TikTok, highlighting its misuse and calling for a ban on its usage. This fatwa underscores the platform’s predominant use for engaging in illicit activities, such as sharing prohibited content and promoting inappropriate humor.

Religious Perspective on TikTok:

The fatwa unequivocally deems the usage of TikTok as forbidden and impermissible from a religious standpoint. It raises concerns about individuals, including both the youth and the elderly, engaging in activities that may conflict with strong moral values.

Misuse for Financial Gain:

TikTok, owned by China-based ByteDance, has faced recurring calls for bans in many parts of the world, including Pakistan. The fatwa specifically addresses concerns about TikTok being exploited for financial gain through the dissemination of inappropriate content.

Violations and Inappropriate Content:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023


The religious decree points out that TikTok is predominantly utilized for engaging in activities that violate religious principles, including sharing prohibited images, videos, and music, and spreading indecent content.

Anwar contends that TikTok’s content, over the past several months, particularly in the last five to six months, has seen young individuals, irrespective of gender, sharing various content on the platform. While some of this content may be informative, cultural, scientific, or religious, Anwar highlights the presence of videos, short films, and reels containing nudity, obscenity, and sexual content that contradict the moral and cultural values of Muslim society.

He passionately implores that the creation of Pakistan came at the cost of immense sacrifices, with countless lives lost to secure independence. Anwar underscores the significance of the nation’s history and the struggles endured by previous generations to establish Pakistan. He contends that enemies of the nation have consistently attempted to undermine its existence and tarnish its image.

Anwar expresses alarm over the promotion of explicit, sexual, and inappropriate content on TikTok, particularly among youngsters living in Western countries. He points out that such content not only violates Islamic principles but also contradicts established norms of morality. Furthermore, Anwar highlights the physical dangers associated with the application, citing instances of children losing their lives while attempting risky stunts for creating content.

Impact on Moral Values:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

The fatwa highlights the need to consider the potential negative impacts of TikTok on individuals’ behavior and ethical values. It expresses worry about various age groups, including the youth, engaging in activities on TikTok that may not align with strong moral values.

Lahore High Court Petition:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023
"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023
TikTok Addiction Concept. Businessman Open Phone TikTok Icons Pop Up to The Face.

In Lahore, a writ petition has been filed in the High Court, calling for a ban on TikTok. The petitioner, Usman Anwar, argues that TikTok’s content contradicts the moral and cultural values of Muslim society. He emphasizes the sacrifices made for Pakistan’s creation and urges legal actions against those responsible for spreading harmful content.

Plea for TikTok Ban:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

Usman Anwar’s petition urges a ban on TikTok, citing its detrimental effects on society’s youth. He emphasizes citizens’ duty of loyalty to the state and nation, as enshrined in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The religious scholars underline TikTok’s predominant use for engaging in activities that contravene religious principles, such as sharing prohibited images, videos, and music, as well as promoting indecent content and inappropriate humor. The gravity of these violations has led the scholars to call for a ban on the usage of the platform, emphasizing the need to consider potential negative impacts on individuals’ behavior and ethical values.

TikTok, owned by ByteDance, a China-based company, has faced persistent calls for bans globally, with Pakistan being no exception. A petition filed in the Lahore High Court earlier this year sought a ban on the application, citing concerns about its detrimental effects on the youth of society.

Violation of Moral and Cultural Values:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

The petitioner highlights TikTok’s role in sharing content that contradicts the moral and cultural values of Muslim society. He expresses alarm over the promotion of explicit, sexual, and inappropriate content, particularly among youngsters living in Western countries.

He stresses that the state and its institutions must prioritize national interests over personal affiliations and interests, advocating for stringent legal actions against those responsible for spreading harmful content.

In another incident reported in Lahore, a teenager suffered a bullet injury in the neck when a stray bullet fired by a TikToker hit him. The TikToker, identified as Wasif, was arrested by the police. This incident highlights the risks and dangers associated with individuals resorting to aerial firing while making videos for TikTok.

Historical Significance of Pakistan:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

Anwar underscores the significance of Pakistan’s history and the struggles endured by previous generations to establish the nation. He contends that enemies of the nation consistently attempt to undermine its existence and tarnish its image.

Concerns about Teenagers and Explicit Content:

Usman Anwar expresses concern about TikTok’s impact on teenagers in Pakistan, where brains are not fully developed until age 25. He raises alarm over the promotion of explicit, sexual, and inappropriate content on TikTok, particularly among youngsters.

This isn’t the first instance of TikTok facing scrutiny in Pakistan. In 2021, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority imposed a five-month ban on the video-sharing app from July to November. The ban was lifted only after TikTok provided assurances that it would exercise better control over indecent or immoral content circulating on the platform.

Moving on to Lahore, a writ petition has been filed in the Lahore High Court calling for a ban on TikTok. Usman Anwar, the petitioner, has named several respondents, including the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, the Federation of Pakistan, the Government of Punjab, and the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication of Pakistan. In his plea, Anwar passionately argues that citizens have an unwavering duty of loyalty to the state, as enshrined in Article 5 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Physical Dangers Associated with TikTok:

Anwar points out the physical dangers associated with TikTok, citing instances of children losing their lives while attempting risky stunts for creating content. He stresses that the state and its institutions must prioritize national interests over personal affiliations.

TikTok-Related Incidents:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

In Lahore, incidents related to TikTok include a teenager suffering a bullet injury during aerial firing by a TikToker and a previous incident in which an 18-year-old boy was injured while filming a video for a social media platform.

while TikTok offers a plethora of entertaining content, its potential impact on children necessitates a proactive and informed parenting approach. By addressing these concerns head-on, parents can empower their children to navigate TikTok responsibly and derive positive experiences from their online interaction.

Rawalpindi Rape Incident:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

A girl in Rawalpindi was allegedly raped by her friend and his three accomplices, with the TikTok connection emerging during the police investigation. The incident raises concerns about the misuse of social media platforms for criminal activities.

As TikTok continually evolves with new challenges and trends, parents must stay informed about the latest developments. Monitoring the platform’s content, understanding emerging challenges, and adapting parental controls accordingly are integral to creating a safe and enriching online environment for children.

Nepal’s Ban on TikTok:

In a separate development, Nepal has announced a ban on TikTok, citing the “misuse” of the app and its impact on social harmony. The decision follows similar bans in other countries, including India and Pakistan.

Moreover, the platform’s propensity to showcase idealized beauty standards may contribute to skewed self-perceptions and body image issues among children. Parents should engage in conversations that promote a healthy understanding of beauty and self-worth, helping their children navigate the digital landscape with confidence and resilience.

Nepal’s move follows the precedent set by other countries, including India and Pakistan, which have previously banned TikTok over security concerns. Sharma noted that more than 1,600 TikTok-related cybercrime cases have been registered in Nepal over the last four years, further justifying the decision to ban the app.

While the ban in Nepal has received criticism from opposition leaders, who argue for regulation instead of outright restriction, it reflects the ongoing global trend of countries reevaluating the impact of TikTok on society.

Reasons Behind the Ban:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

Nepal’s decision to ban TikTok is attributed to the app’s alleged misuse, disturbing social harmony, and rising cyber crime cases related to TikTok. The Minister for Communications and Information Technology cites the need to control TikTok to maintain social harmony.

The pervasive issue of screen time and potential addiction cannot be overlooked. Excessive use of TikTok can disrupt healthy lifestyle habits, affecting sleep patterns and reducing physical activity. Parents are encouraged to establish screen time limits, ensuring that TikTok usage does not encroach upon essential activities such as homework, chores, or face-to-face interactions.

Cyber Crime Cases Related to TikTok:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

More than 1,600 TikTok-related cyber crime cases have been registered in Nepal over the last four years. This surge in cases contributes to the decision to ban TikTok in the country.

Cyberbullying, a prevalent concern across social media platforms, is also pertinent to TikTok. Children may encounter negative comments, hate speech, or even targeted harassment, posing a threat to their emotional well-being. Parents are advised to foster an open line of communication with their children, encouraging them to report any instances of cyberbullying and providing emotional support.

Reactions to the Ban:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023
Opposition leaders in Nepal criticize the ban, citing concerns about its effectiveness, maturity, and responsibility. Some argue for the regulation of unwanted materials on social media instead of outright restrictions.

The issue of privacy looms large in the TikTok landscape, as the platform collects a wealth of user data. Children may inadvertently disclose personal information, such as their location and device details, without grasping the potential repercussions. This underscores the importance of educating children about online privacy and guiding them on responsible information sharing practices.


“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

"🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

The developments in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Nepal highlight growing concerns about the impact of TikTok on society. Religious scholars’ fatwa against TikTok emphasizes the need to reevaluate online content’s alignment with ethical and religious values. Legal actions and petitions reflect the ongoing debate about TikTok’s influence, especially on the youth, and its potential consequences on societal norms. The incidents of physical harm and criminal activities associated with TikTok usage underscore the broader implications of social media platforms on public safety. As the global trend of TikTok bans continues, discussions about the balance between freedom of expression and societal well-being are likely to persist.

Expanding on the aforementioned considerations, it is crucial for parents to remain vigilant and proactive in managing their children’s engagement with TikTok. The platform’s expansive content library, while entertaining, harbors a diverse range of materials that may not be suitable for young audiences. Parents should be especially attentive to the possibility of their children stumbling upon explicit language, violence, or mature themes, emphasizing the need for age-appropriate content filters.

Published in The Express Tribune:

“🚫 TikTok Fatwa Fallout: Unveiling the Ban Backlash in Pakistan and Nepal 🌐 | Religious Edict Sparks Controversy and Legal Battles! πŸ“΅πŸ’₯ ,2023

The information presented is a detailed overview of the fatwa against TikTok issued by religious scholars in Karachi, legal actions and petitions in Lahore, TikTok-related incidents in Pakistan, and Nepal’s decision to ban TikTok. The comprehensive table of contents provides a structured guide to the key aspects discussed in the article.

The multifaceted scrutiny of TikTok in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, and now Nepal signifies the growing concerns about the platform’s influence on society. The fatwa issued by religious scholars adds a significant layer to the ongoing debate, emphasizing the need to reassess the alignment of online content with ethical and religious values. Legal actions, petitions, and incidents related to TikTok underscore the broader implications of social media platforms on public safety and societal norms. As the global trend of TikTok bans continues, discussions about striking a balance between freedom of expression and societal well-being are likely to persist.

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